- Task potency: Connectivity task-induced modulation of connectivity away from a functional baseline – development of methods and applications to the normal and abnormal human development. 2014-(2018) supervisors : Mennes M., Buitelaar J., Beckmann C.
- Task potency across cognitive domain in ASD. supervision of Tristan Looden, 2017-2018 (M2)
- Hippocampus maturation in children, co-supervision of Antoine Bouyeure(M2), spring 2017
- Neural and cognitive assessment correlates of the restricted-inattentive ADHD sub-types, co-supervision of Maria Paraskevopoulou(M2), 2015-2016
- anatomico-functional maturation of the hippocampus, supervised by Marion Noulhiane UNIACT, Neurospin, founded by “fondation de france”
- Neurospin, Paris (UNIACT group) supervisors: L.Hertz-Pannier, M.Noulhiane : memory networks structural and functional maturation with rest and diffusion MRI.
- Donders Institute, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, supervisors: C.Beckmann, M.Mennes, comparing task and rest fMRI during development on ADHD and Control sample, 7-8/13
- ENS Paris laboratory training, GNT (theory neuroscience group) with: A.Hyafil, M.Humphries, supervisor: B.Gutkin, information transfert modeling between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, 2-6/13
- ENS Paris, LSCP (psycholinguistic and cognitive sciences lab) 1-2/13, supervisors: E.Dupoux, early language acquisition mechanism modelling
- Grenoble, team AGIM-TIMC, supervisors: N.Glade, E.Fanchon, H.Ben Amor, constraint programming for a boolean threshold network determination – Taxonomy and inheritance: from 7-8/12